Celebrating the Olympians of Assisted Living. CEUs: 14 hours/NAB; 16 hours/AL Managers (6 dementia-specific)
Argentum Members: FREE Nonmembers: $95
Half-day of continuing education; awards reception; legislative meetings
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, RIALA has postponed its Annual Conference & EXPO; The conference, previously scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2020 will now take place on Thursday, May 21, 2020. As we have received more information about the COVID-19 over the past few weeks, we have determined that postponing the event by a few weeks […]
Argentum Members: FREE Nonmembers: $95
CALA’s virtual Summer Symposium, co-sponsored by Hanson Bridgett, will offer you a chance to gather the information and encouragement that will bolster you in your work and help you fulfill your priority of making sure residents and team members stay safe and healthy. Fellow providers and nationally known experts will walk you through challenges faced […]
Earn 1 NAB/NCERS CEU or ACPE CPE, pending approval for attending the webinar.
The Florida Senior Living Association is excited to announce its first ever Virtual Senior Living Conference! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision not to meet in person this year, but we have pivoted to offer a full-fledged conference virtually. Our virtual conference will be held live July 28-31, and all […]
PALA has scheduled a virtual seminar to replace the Pittsburgh Conference.
Argentum Members & Senior Living Works Ambassadors: FREE Nonmembers: $95
Argentum Members: FREE Nonmembers: $95
Attendees will learn: 1. How to drive down costs, increase revenue and differentiate your brand. 2. How touchless sensors are the new foundation technology to know your residents. 3. Understand how behavioral analysis leads to fall prevention. Who should attend? Senior living executives who want to improve residents' safety while increasing their business ROI. Confirmed […]
If you have any questions about this information, please contact [email protected] or call the WALA office at 608-288-0246
EDLI helps executive directors develop their skills in mission critical areas such as operations management, leadership, human resources, sales and marketing, clinical oversight, risk management, and more. Designed to fit your busy schedule as a community leader, plan to join us and spend just 2.5 hours during 5 days in sessions. Wednesday, October 14 Friday, October 16 Tuesday, October 20 Wednesday, […]