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Argentum Strategic Vision

To meet the challenges and opportunities that the industry faces over the next decade, Argentum has engaged our leadership, members and other industry stakeholders in a strategic planning effort.

The pandemic changed the senior living industry and Argentum was there advocating on your behalf to ensure your teams were provided with much needed resources. And as we emerge from the past few years Argentum has reflected on the future of the senior living industry and launched a strategic planning process to assess where we have been and identify where we are going.

Industry stakeholders have rallied around a new strategic vision for the future of Argentum and the industry itself. It rides on three big ideas — people, trust, and choice — that we need to get right as an industry if we are going to be successful. Crafted over the course of a year under the leadership of the Argentum Strategic Planning Task Force, the Strategic Plan benefits from the wisdom of hundreds of Argentum members and other stakeholders who participated in interview sessions at events and in other venues.

People. Trust. Choice.

Our Commitment to the Industry


Engage, develop and support 2 million career opportunities


Improve policy influencers’ perceptions of the senior living industry


Increase access to the senior living product by expanding market penetration

A Vision for the Future of Senior Living

Develop Our People

Expand the pipeline and retention of qualified and diverse talent to meet the needs of a growing senior population.

  • Expand and promote career pathways and pipeline through strategic partnerships, culminating in apprenticeships, incumbent worker training, and recruitment and retention
  • Engage the “total career opportunity” through supportive programs for workers
  • Advance policy solutions to expand the workforce pipeline and enhance retention

Measure What Matters

Demonstrate our value and maintain trust with residents, families, workers, partners, policymakers, and the public through data, transparency, and best practices

  • Define and facilitate the collection and dissemination of quality data
  • Strengthen the state regulatory framework by advancing best practices and industry accreditation around health and safety
  • Establish industry “brand protection” opportunities/programs

Tell Our Story

Advocate and increase our impact as the voice of the senior living industry.

  • Educate policymakers on the value of senior living.
  • Provide members with research, tools, and messaging to attract talent
  • Provide members with research, tools, and messaging to attract residents

Increase Access

Facilitate the curation of new solutions and offerings to improve access to senior living communities.

  • Drive policy solutions to support senior living and healthcare partnership
  • Develop policy solutions to support expansion and affordability of senior living product
  • Curate technology and resources to improve customer experience and workforce recruitment/retention

Our Vision for the Future of Senior Living

If we get these things right, this is our vision for the future of senior living.