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I ❤ Assisted Living

Assisted Living Has Heart.
Join the "I ❤ Assisted Living" Movement

Welcome to the heart of the assisted living community! It’s time to share your story, amplify your voice, and make a difference in shaping the narrative surrounding senior living.

Join us in the ” I ❤ Assisted Living” grassroots campaign and let’s showcase the incredible stories and all of the wonderful services we provide to seniors together.

Share why you ❤ assisted living with your Senators!

Another Way to Affect Change

We all know that you love assisted living, so it’s time to do as much as you can to amplify our collective efforts. In addition to participating in the grassroots campaign, there is additional way to get involved and affect the change we all want to see.

Pledge to Join the Fight

Make a pledge today to proactively help shape the future of senior living. Corporate contributions to the Advocacy Fund provide Argentum with resources to implement a robust public policy strategy at both the Federal and state levels on behalf of the senior living industry. Learn more about the Advocacy Fund and make your pledge to support our industry.

Your Story Matters

We all know that you love assisted living, so it’s time to do as much as you can to amplify our collective efforts. In addition to participating in the grassroots campaign, there are additional ways to get involved and affect the change we all want to see.

Join the Argentum Advocates Program

This program is designed to educate and engage those interested in advocacy and policy issues related to senior living. Join us today and receive complimentary program benefits!