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Certified Director of Assisted Living Program

Earn the Credential Every Senior Living Community Leader Needs

Offer peace of mind to your residents and families by earning the Certified Director of Assisted Living credential. Join hundreds of senior living community leaders who’ve earned this industry-leading credential, and stand out among the competition.

The Certified Director of Assisted Living (CDAL) was developed by the Senior Living Certification Commission, a workgroup comprised of practicing subject-matter experts in senior living. The CDAL certification is essential to enhance the competencies required to effectively manage senior living communities. 

The CDAL credential measures more than just job skills. Executive directors that earn the CDAL credential demonstrate that they possess the unique knowledge, skills and sound judgment required to effectively lead all operational aspects of a senior living community. 

To become certified, eligible assisted living executive directors must pass a written examination based on knowledge domains and job tasks related to duties performed by assisted living executive directors.

CDAL Candidate Handbook

The CDAL Candidate Handbook is your resource for CDAL deadlines, fees, eligibility requirements, and examination logistics

Determine Your Eligibility

In order for certification to be granted, all applicants for certification must:

Have at least three years (6,000 hours) work experience as an assisted living community executive director OR at least five years (10,000 hours) work experience in a management capacity in one or more assisted living communities


Pass the certification examination for assisted living community executive directors.


Possess a bachelor’s degree granted by a college or university that is accredited by an entity approved by the United States Department of Education, or the equivalent

Have at least one year (2,000 hours) work experience as an assisted living community executive director OR at least three years (6,000 hours) work experience in a management capacity in one or more assisted living communities


Pass the certification examination for assisted living community executive directors.

Note: Assisted Living Management does not include long-term care management, nursing home management, or independent living management.

Fees for Initial Certification

The CDAL fee includes initial application processing, Argentum’s Assisted Living Executive Director Primer (PDF), one administration of the CDAL Practice Test, and one CDAL examination administration.

The application form must be submitted with appropriate payment and is non-refundable. However, this fee will be refunded if the applicant is deemed ineligible for participation in the CDAL program.

Argentum Member Rate Discounts
Individuals employed by an Argentum member company, or a company that is a member of a partner association (including State Partners), are eligible for a discounted rate of $750. All other individuals will be charged an application fee of $995.

Reexamination Fee
Candidates may re-take the CDAL examination after the 45-day wait period and within the 12-month eligibility period for $125. Candidates will be allowed no more than three (3) testing attempts within a 12-month period. If a candidate has not successfully passed the exam within 12 months from the date of application, he/she must reapply and pay the full application and examination fees again. Reexamination fees can be paid here.

Apply to Become a Certified Director of Assisted Living

Learn more about certification eligibility requirements, fees, and more.

An executive director with a CDAL has demonstrated a level of accomplishment in terms of their time and tenure and experience in the industry, but also in their knowledge of how to deal with things that are not really written by the book.

Looking to Recertify as a CDAL?

Learn more about maintaining your certification status once you receive the credential.