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Argentum Statement on Widespread Power Outages

James Balda
Argentum President & CEO

“We know states and power companies are working diligently to restore power and minimize outages across a significant portion of the country following the recent winter storms. To that end, we are asking that access to power be prioritized for senior living communities and that disruptions and outages be limited to ensure essential operations can continue. Additionally, when outages are absolutely necessary, it is vital that this information be communicated to senior living communities well in advance so they can plan and prepare for special accommodations to keep their residents and staff safe. These communities, which are home to hundreds of thousands of residents across these affected states, are serving populations that are extremely vulnerable to cold temperatures and extreme conditions, as well as to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and they require specialized care and services. It’s critically important that we don’t leave them exposed during this particularly challenging time.”

— James Balda, Argentum President & CEO