Keynote Speaker: Fred Lee, Author of If Disney Ran Your Hospital
Patient satisfaction surveys are a staple of healthcare metrics. But what if satisfaction is a fool’s gold? What if Disney doesn’t even measure guest satisfaction? Fred Lee shares a chapter from his book, where he asserts that healthcare satisfaction surveys actually blur the difference between satisfaction and loyalty, and do not even ask the most important question that has the highest correlation with patient loyalty. By the end of this session, managers will take away a model that relates staff performance to patient loyalty in a sensible but powerful way.
Fred Lee is a nationally recognized expert and consultant in patient relations and service excellence. His seminars are dynamic, inspiring, and immensely practical. He motivates healthcare managers as well as front line staff by talking their language and having walked in their shoes. He can also lead an organization through a comprehensive cultural change based on the Baldrige Award criteria that builds patient loyalty through dedication to exceptional service, continuous improvement, and effective feedback systems.