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Advancing Priorities through the Appropriations Process


Argentum continues to make progress on Capitol Hill in advancing our federal public priorities, including most recently as part of the U.S. Senate’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Labor-HHS appropriations bill, passed at the Committee level last month.

Argentum successfully secured several workforce provisions in the bill, including increased funding for federal training programs that we are directly engaging with such as Job Corps, WIOA, and federal apprenticeship programs.

Additionally, as a result of our education campaign on direct-care workforce shortages, report language was included directing federal agencies to review the impact of workforce shortages on long-term care affordability and accessibility, and strengthen and expand access to HCBS, facilitate State planning, encourage innovative models that benefit the workforce and care recipients, and support quality and accountability.

Most importantly, the Senate appropriations bill did not include the drastic cuts that were advanced by the U.S. House of Representatives, which calls for reducing federal workforce program funding by nearly 30%, including eliminating Job Corps funding. Argentum spearheaded a grassroots campaign urging lawmakers to oppose these cuts, and greatly appreciates everyone who took part and shared these letters.

Notable elements of the Senate appropriations package include:

  • $2.9 billion for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
  • $1.76 billion for Job Corps Centers
  • $290 million for Registered Apprenticeships
  • $48.2 million for the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program
  • $1.4 billion for Health Professions Workforce Development
  • $302 million for Nursing Workforce Development Programs under HHS
  • $1.075 billion for 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly
  • $47.8 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including a $100 million increase for Alzheimer’s disease research
  • $13 billion for Veterans long-term care, including language “to broaden veterans’ options regarding non-institutional long-term care support and services, and to accommodate veterans’ preferences in how and where they receive care and other services.”

Argentum is working closely with Congressional offices to advance these elements as negotiations continue between the House and Senate ahead of the September 30 funding deadline. Lawmakers are currently on their annual August recess until after the Labor Day holiday, and we encourage all senior living companies to host lawmakers for community tours so they can see first-hand daily life of residents and caregivers and better understand our challenges and the legislative solutions we have proposed.

We need your help! Please review our toolkit on hosting lawmakers for community visits. The toolkit includes sample invitations you can send to lawmakers, a sample itinerary or tour structure, best practices for preparing for your visit, how to make your request for support of legislation and continue your conversation after the event concludes, and information on how to get started and work with Argentum and your State Partners in setting up these events.

Lastly, we extend our sincere appreciation for all Argentum Advocates and Argentum member companies who have supported the Advocacy Fund and Silver PAC, which help to advance our priorities on Capitol Hill and educate lawmakers on the value of senior living.