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Argentum Introduces Senior Living IQ Initiative, Demonstrating a Continued Investment in Quality


(Alexandria, Va.)—Today Argentum launched a new initiative, Senior Living IQ, at the 2018 Argentum Senior Living Executive Conference in San Diego, Calif. Senior Living IQ is focused on supporting the ongoing investment in quality of life for residents of senior living communities.

“The industry is doing an exceptional job providing quality care and service and Argentum is here to provide additional support,” said James Balda, Argentum president & CEO. “Senior Living IQ offers resources to help providers raise the bar of excellence and commit to quality across their communities.”

Senior Living IQ offers an informational website with industry best practices and resources for the first phase of the initiative, which focuses on resident safety. As the scope expands, other high-risk areas will be addressed including emergency preparedness, medication management, memory care, and others. Ultimately, the Senior Living IQ initiative will lead to skills development and certifications for industry professionals.

“This project represents an important step as the senior housing industry recognizes that it needs to not only continue to deliver quality results as we provide much needed answers to our residents and their families, but we must also come together to set and maintain the highest standards,” said John Moore, Atria Senior Living chairman and CEO, and chair of Argentum’s quality improvement committee. “Through this project, Argentum and it members are leading the way and the outcome will be better care of seniors and a better seniors housing industry over the long term.”

Visit to see how you can continue to support quality of life and quality of care in your communities. Share the resources and tools with your teams and make a commitment to investing in quality.

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