A recent survey found that more boards of directors at U.S. companies are prioritizing corporate responsibility and sustainability initiatives. Providers nationwide have led such efforts to benefit their residents and staff as well as the environment.
A survey conducted by Corporate Board Member magazine found that more than half of respondents “believe that attention to corporate responsibility and sustainability (CR&S) issues is integrated into their companies’ business strategy and risk management.”
“Investors filed a record number of CR&S and climate change-related shareholder resolutions in 2008 and we expect that trend to continue upward,” said a representative of Deloitte, the company that tracked the survey’s results. “Shareholders want to know if leadership is prepared to manage risks, and they want more insight into the strategy for capitalizing on CR&S opportunities.”
ALFA is working with Energy Star’s Healthcare Facilities Division to get assisted living added to the building categories rated by Energy Star. The program will provide companies with a tool to measure performance in all their buildings and benchmark that performance against other providers, as well as give them best practices to lower their energy consumption. To read more about this initiative, see “Sustainable Solutions” in Assisted Living Executive magazine – click here.
Here are other ALFA resources on the topic of CR&S:
- “Green Easy,” Assisted Living Executive
- “Best of the Best 2008,” Assisted Living Executive
- “Doing Well By Doing Good,” Assisted Living Executive
- “Creating Green Work Environments,” Executive Insights