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Consumer Choice/Financing Senior Living

Long Term Care Financing in a Post CLASS America

The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act to establish the first national, government run long term care insurance program was included in the Affordable Care Act that President Obama signed into law in 2010. CLASS was quickly aban

Health Reform: Past, Present, and Future Challenges

Dr. Cohn will review the current progress toward implementation of the Affordable Care Act and discuss expectations for the future. This session will also feature insights from complexity and options management applied to healthcare.

CMS Proposes New Rewards and Penalties for Hospitals

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) rule that would represent an increase in payments to hospitals of approximately $27 million in 2014.

Employer Mandate, Building Codes Top New Tool Kits from ALFA

The old saying “the only thing constant is change” applies to the senior living industry. ALFA has published two new tool kits that will help you prepare for critical changes in health care law, assisted living regulations, and building codes.

Elder Abuse Provisions Included in Violence Against Women Act

The recently passed Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 includes language that will help protect seniors from elder abuse. The law provides $9 million per year in funding for programs which specifically aid women over 50 through the year 2

ALFA Comments on Criminal Background Check Guidance

ALFA submitted comments on a briefing examining the effects of guidance issued by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The guidance, which preempts state laws, may require senior living providers to reevaluate their use of criminal background

Federal Government Increased Focus on Senior Care in 2012

Throughout 2012, a variety of federal legislative and regulatory issues arose that will affect senior living communities and senior living residents across the country. From the implementation of the National Alzheimer’s Project Act to proposed revisions