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Consumer Choice/Financing Senior Living

Legislation Aims to Help Seniors Fund Long-Term Care

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) introduced three bills that aim to help seniors fund long term care. Two seek to improve long-term care insurance policies and one creates an income tax credit for eldercare expenses.

Seniors Feel Better About Financial Situation Than Younger Adults

A new Gallup poll finds that seniors aged 75 and older feel the most satisfied with their financial wellbeing and overall standard of living. According to a number of measures, those aged 65 and older view their current personal financial situation in a m

Assisted Living More Affordable Than Skilled Nursing Says Report

A new report finds that the median cost of a room in an assisted living community is less than half the median cost of a private room in a skilled nursing facility. The cost disparity is more pronounced than last year, with skilled nursing costs increasin

More Senior Living Communities Needed Says New Report

Presenting the results of the American Housing Survey, a new report describes the housing challenges presented by the increasing senior population and strategies for facing these challenges, including expanding affordable housing choices for older adults.

Kaiser Foundation Examines Lack of Long-Term Care Planning

Researchers examine the key issues surrounding entitlement program policy discussions and point out current societal shortcomings, such as the general lack of financial planning for long term services and supports, which must be considered when revising a

Federal Aging Official Reveals Priorities At ALFA Fly-in

U.S. Assistant Secretary on Aging Kathy Greenlee shared her insights with 140 senior living executives gathered at the 2012 ALFA Advocacy Fly-in yesterday. Joining Greenlee at the event were Jim Ellis from PRIsm Consulting to comment on the political lan

Eligibility Age Increase Impact Assessed by CBO

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has issued a brief analyzing how raising the eligibility age for Medicare and Social Security would affect beneficiaries, the federal budget, and the overall economy.