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Featured Magazine Articles

Marketing Metrics: Tours to Move-Ins

It’s been said that you can’t manage what you can’t measure. When it comes to sales and marketing, senior housing executives are at an advantage in this regard: Most are diligent in gathering up the facts and figures of their activities.

Power of Pricing

Offering tangible value and communicating it with sophisticated simplicity puts you in position to command the appropriate price for your units.

Fishing in Foreign Waters

Slowly but surely, North American operators troll international markets, but it’s hardly easy going

Custom Tailored

Emerging niche communities target seniors in very distinctive groups–from faith group to hobbies to income level.

High-Tech Disaster Plans

Integrating social networking, smartphones, software, and building design into emergency preparedness plans.

A Better Paper Trail

ACOs, regulatory requirements, consistency of care, medication management, and more drive adoption of electronic health records.

The Ones That Got Away

With 80 percent of leads lost over the phone, it’s time for sales professionals to rethink their strategies.

Best of the Best 2012

Plenty of notable new ideas were found amid the 80 submissions for the sixth-annual awards program, which honors best practices and initiatives that advance excellence in the senior living sector. Many clearly mark a “first” in long-term care—such as spon