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Health and Wellness

Best Practices for Pain Management in Assisted Living

There are many myths about pain. Assisted living administrators and long-term care providers should be alert for caregivers who believe in these myths and deliver inappropriate care because of such misconceptions.

Personal Care Partner Improves Outcomes for Memory Care Residents

Senior Lifestyle Corp. understands the heart-wrenching decisions and torn feelings that families experience when they put a loved one into one of its Legacy Court memory care neighborhoods. The company created the “Walk With Me” program to help families t

Social Website Eases Transition for Residents and their Families

Relocating into a new home can be stressful for anyone, including the family members of those moving into a senior living community. Elmcroft Senior Living debuted a website that improves communication between the community and the residents’ family, ensu

CMS Decision Limits Coverage for Alzheimer’s Scans

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Friday determined that there was insufficient evidence that imaging scans are ”reasonable and necessary” for diagnosing and helping treat individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or other related dementias

Coming Soon: New Flu + You 2013 Tool Kit

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is sponsoring Flu + You to help educate older adults and those who care for them about the seriousness of influenza, the importance of prevention, and available vaccine options. It will include: brochures , downloads,

As Resident Demographic Shifts, Assisted Living Adapts to Change

As the assisted living resident demographic changes toward higher age and acuity, senior living providers are shifting care models with a clinical focus to accommodate emerging needs.

A majority of assisted living residents are female, 85 or older, and