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Comment Period Opens for U.S. Alzheimer’s Plan


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released an initial framework for a national plan addressing Alzheimer’s disease. The framework tackles the problem from different angles and is open for comment through February 8, 2012.

The draft framework was created based on input from the Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services, which is comprised of over 20 representatives from federal agencies and organizations outside the Federal Government. The framework seeks to address five goals:

  • Prevent and Effectively Treat Alzheimer’s Disease by 2025.
  • Optimize Care Quality and Efficiency.
  • Expand Patient and Family Support.
  • Enhance Public Awareness and Engagement.
  • Track Progress and Drive Improvement.

The plan takes a multi-faceted approach to each goal. For example, in order to enhance care quality and efficiency, the agency outlines a plan to build a larger workforce of long term care providers and others who care for those with Alzheimer’s as well as implement policies that allow for easy transitions between hospitals and long term care settings. The plan asserts a commitment to advancing research but also to maintaining dignity, safety, and other rights for those with Alzheimer’s disease. Many other departments, agencies, and organizations will be collaborating with HHS in the coming years to implement the plan, when finalized.

Read the full document: “Draft Framework for the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease” and submit your comments about the plan to HHS at [email protected].

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