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Costs Increase in Long Term Care Says MetLife


A MetLife market survey, comparing nursing homes’, assisted living communities’, adult day services’, and home healthcare’s rates and overall rate structures both state by state and at a national level, indicates that average national long term care costs are rising.

MetLife’s Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs surveyed of 2,003 nursing homes, 1,492 assisted living communities, 1,644 home care agencies, and 1,341 adult day services in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Researchers found a cost increase for nursing homes, assisted living communities, and adult day services, while home care costs remained the same. A semi-private room at a nursing home increased nine dollars a day, or approximately 270 dollars a month, to 214 dollars a day, roughly 6,420 dollars a month.  A private room at a nursing home now costs 239 dollars a day up 4.4 percent from last year. Assisted living communities saw an increase of 184 dollars a month, roughly six dollars a day, to 3,477 dollars monthly.

The survey also analyzed the costs of different assisted living pricing structures. They found that 9 percent of assisted living communities included five or fewer services in their base rate. In 2011, these communities cost an average of 3,088 dollars a month, compared to 3,048 dollars a month in 2010. 65 percent of assisted living communities provided six to nine services in their base rate. The average cost for these communities was 3,412, up from 3,239 in 2010. Communities with a base rate that included 10 or more services comprised 26 percent of communities surveyed. These communities cost an average of 3,775 dollars, up from 3,477 dollars in 2010.

Read MetLife’s Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs: The 2011 MetLife Market Survey of Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Adult Day Services, and Home Care Costs

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