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Driving Success: The 2024 Senior Living Executive Conference Steering Committee Sees Bright Skies Ahead


Preparations are currently in full swing for the upcoming Senior Living Executive Conference—the official meeting of Argentum (April 29-May 1, 2024, in Phoenix, Arizona).  Thousands of senior living professionals, operators, owners, executives, and community leaders will gather for three days of networking and education.

Behind this year’s forward-focused agenda is a dedicated steering committee, eager to participate in the collective effort to shape the future of senior living.  Senior Living Executive sat down with a few of the new committee members to better understand their motivation in part of the driving force behind the curated sessions that speak to the needs of senior living professionals where they are today and where they want to be tomorrow.

The pandemic brought tremendous and unforeseen roadblocks and detours. With the industry having officially turned that difficult corner, this year’s optimistic steering committee members see the path ahead more clearly than ever before. They see the meeting’s mission aligned with something they’re very passionate about: improving the resident experience.  And they see this as a chance to make a meaningful impact on both the conference and the industry by creating an experience that drives senior living success through community, connections, and creativity.


Steering Committee member Tom Comer, Chief HR Officer at Commonwealth Senior Living, explained why being part of the steering committee was so important to him. “I wanted to be a part of the process of building a great conference for my peers and my colleagues,” he began. “It is very a small world in senior living, and we are all working hard to fill our communities with the residents who need us and the attract the best possible team members. The beauty of senior living is when one of us wins, we all win. That camaraderie in the industry is felt very deeply at this conference.”

The feeling of community at the Senior Living Executive Conference goes far beyond traditional networking to include knowledge sharing, collaborative learning, peer support, diverse perspectives, and more. The steering committee—together with the speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors—strives to create an environment where senior living professionals can connect, collaborate, and collectively contribute to the improvement of the resident experience as they also take the necessary next steps to ensure their communities thrive. 


Steering Committee member Amy Robinson, National VP of Culinary Services at Solstice Senior Living, LLC, is passionate about building—and rebuilding teams—with an eye on positioning them for future success. She joined the steering committee with the mission of creating meaningful educational opportunities that would highlight important, top-of-mind topics in senior living. “Our industry has changed so much in the last several years and the struggles have been plentiful,” she stated.  “Through those struggles I have seen our industry come together and work collectively as one to focus on a singular purpose: changing the lives of seniors.”

SLEC’s elevated educational experience is one that encourages meaningful connections and interactions among all participants—understanding that every single person has an experience, a pearl of knowledge, or a best practice that can benefit someone else. A hallmark of the conference, SLEC’s supportive atmosphere sets the stage for senior living professionals to discuss common challenges openly and honestly together, along with their corresponding solutions and strategies for success. The connections made at SLEC are particularly valuable in the dynamic and evolving industry of senior living. Amy’s vision of senior living is clear: “I am looking forward to watching the industry continue to grow and thrive together to better the lives of seniors.”


Steering Committee member, Christy Van Der Westhuizen, SVP of Sales & Marketing at Legend Senior Living, saw a vital opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the senior living industry. She noted, “This role allows me to foster creativity, innovation, and improvement in our field. My goal is to help shape a curriculum that addresses the evolving sales and marketing landscape of senior living, as well as sets new standards for excellence and care.”

The sessions in this year’s Sales and Marketing track will be extremely relevant to many key challenges senior living professionals are currently facing.  They will focus on strategies that foster a culture of excellence to maintain high occupancy, understand consumer priorities in their search for senior living options, and communicate the value proposition of senior living communities to today’s demanding consumers. Complementing that critical focus, this year’s workshops will also highlight the importance of attracting, recruiting, and retaining top sales talent within the senior living industry.

The Exciting Road Ahead…

The road ahead for senior living professionals is marked by innovation, next-level strategies, and a focus on enhancing the resident experience. The never-boring, always-evolving landscape is one filled with opportunities for growth, collaboration, and making a meaningful, positive impact on the lives of seniors.

“Not unlike others, I think 2020-2022 (COVID, Great Resignation, etc.) wore down some of the real joys of working in senior living…it felt more like survival than purpose,” stated Tom Comer.  He continued, “2023 felt like a step in the right direction—a step towards more possibilities, more new ideas, and less survival. I fully expect 2024 to be a fantastic year for us and for my peers in senior living.”

Amy Robinson finds herself on the same page as Tom in terms of resilience and positivity, stating, “This year we are not only focusing on identifying the key areas of opportunity in the industry, but empowering others to be successful in resolving those areas through education. We are utilizing the industry’s best and brightest minds to create an education-based agenda that will not only answer key questions but will also provide the valuable insight needed to unlock approach and creativity in how we view our associates, programming, communities, and our entire business. I am truly looking forward to watching the industry continue to grow and thrive together to better the lives of our seniors.”

Christy Van Der Westhuizen shares the positive outlook of her fellow committee members: “I accepted the role on the Steering Committee because it enables me to foster innovation and improvement in our field. My goal is to help shape a curriculum that addresses the evolving sales and marketing landscape of senior living, as well as sets new standards for excellence and care. In 2024, I’m looking forward to continuing to shape the industry and improve public perceptions about senior living.”

Mapping the Course…

Mapping the course for success in senior living requires a visionary compass, a commitment to staying nimble by rethinking and reimagining, and an unwavering dedication to enhancing the quality of life for today’s seniors.  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it.”  And while this holds true in nearly every facet of life, there’s certainly no doubt of its application to senior living.

Recognizing the unique challenges and promising opportunities facing senior living professionals today, the Senior Living Executive Conference this April 29-May 1, 2024, in Phoenix, provides the chance to prepare for whatever is next by connecting face-to-face with a community of your peers who continue to be resilient and ready to pivot if necessary. It’s an opportunity to exchange information and insight on the very latest policy developments, explore emerging issues, and hear from experts who understand what the future holds for senior living.

There’s no better conference experience out there today that sets the table for the realization of a bright future in senior living than the Senior Living Executive Conference. It’s here where you can prepare for future success by asking questions of industry experts and each other; exchanging information, ideas, experiences, and insight; getting an insider’s view of the latest technologies and trends influencing today’s senior living; and experiencing an in-depth education that recognizes and addresses the unique challenges facing senior living professionals.

And while the challenges of the past were undeniably difficult, they spurred the community to forge ahead with more determination than ever before, serving as a catalyst for both innovation and refinement.

Phoenix: You’ve Arrived at Your Destination

When you join your community in Phoenix, you’ll find yourself among thousands of senior living executives from around the country who are looking to engage in forward-focused discussions, provide new insights, discuss innovative solutions, and ultimately, work together with you in driving the brightest future of senior living yet—through community, connections, and creativity.

The full agenda for 2024 can be viewed—along with all the conference details—at Senior Living Executive Conference.

In addition to Comer, Robinson, and Van Der Westhuizen, the 2024 Senior Living Executive Conference Steering Committee includes:

  • Angie Fleenor, Executive VP of Clinical and Resident Experience | Sinceri Senior Living
  • Tavinder Hare, Chief Financial Officer | Sunrise Senior Living
  • Stephen Miller, Executive Director | Atlas Senior Living
  • Kimberly Severns-Jones, Senior VP, QA & Risk | Elegance Living
  • Brittney Thoreson, VP of Operations | Knute Nelson
  • Ben Exstrom, Vice President of Information Technology | Sinceri Senior Living