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Mechanical Lifts May Decrease Worker Compensation Costs in Long Term Care Communities


A new report released by The University of Maryland and the National Council on Compensation Insurance indicates that having mechanical lifts in long term care communities lowered workplace injuries and emphasizing these safe lifting programs further decreased worker compensation costs.

Over 300 pieces of data were collected over the course of three years and analyzed using statistical modeling. The statistical modeling aimed to measure the effect of having a mechanical lift in the community and other variables on workers compensation claims.

Researchers concluded that having lifts in a community is a great start, but conducting adequate training on using the lift is where communities can see real cost savings. “These include having procedures specifying that powered mechanical lifts should be used for residents not able to move around on their own. Specifying the use of powered mechanical lifts in the residents’ care plans is also important,” the study said. “Training newly hired certified nursing assistants in the use of lifts and incorporating lift use in performance evaluations are other important factors.”

View the complete report.