Per Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations, a corporate member company of Argentum must first provide Silver PAC with prior authorization before any individual in its restricted class can contribute or be solicited.

Political action committees (PACs) of corporate trade associations like Argentum (which has corporate members, not individual members) must first receive permission from a member company’s primary contact prior to accepting or soliciting a PAC contribution. The primary contact is defined as the representatives of the corporation with whom Argentum normally conducts the association’s activities.

Only an individual (or immediate family members) in the “restricted class” of an Argentum member company whose company has given prior authorization is eligible to contribute to Silver PAC. The “restricted class” of a member company is defined as “the company’s executive and administrative personnel or their families.” Executive and administrative personnel are paid on a salary and have policy-making, managerial, professional, or supervisory responsibilities.