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Women Unprepared for Long-Term Care


Although assisted living consistently ranks as a top priority among AARP
members, new research shows most female baby boomers don’t know how
they’ll pay for long-term care costs. And worse, two in five associate
long-term care only with nursing homes.

“Studies consistently show women are the biggest users of long-term care, and we’re more likely than men to need these services,” says Alyson Burns, Director of AARP’s Long-term Care Awareness Campaign.

AARP’s survey of women aged 45 to 64 reveals:

  • 59% haven’t determined how they’ll pay for their long-term care needs.
  • 40% don’t know that long-term care is more than nursing home care.
  • Only 23% know they’ll likely pay for future care needs with personal savings.

Read all the research results.

Use ALFA’s consumer tools to educate your future residents on the cost of care and how to plan. How about a seminar for your local community?